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KAP Journey


KAP stands for Kundalini Activation Process. It is a unique transmission of life force energy that expands consciousness and awakens your Kundalini (Shakti, Chi, Qi) and light within.

It is a highly intelligent energy that that allows you to powerfully release what is unaligned within the mind, body, emotions, energetic field and your overall life.

It is a natural practice that can bring about whole-body transformation on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

If you are open to receiving it, this practice has the power to unlock your highest potential, and re-shape your life in alignment with the fullest expression of self!

How it Works:

KAP is the path of surrender. One does not need to know anything to participate. Just come with an open mind.

In a session, you simply lay on yoga mat for an hour. Curated music is played to guide the journey, while the facilitators channels and activates the energy through your body. Chakra and Meridian points are often touched to open, release blockages and realign balance.

The only goal to have in mind is: surrender + receive.

This safe, intelligent, and gentle energy will take care of the rest!

What to Expect:

Every individual and session is uniquely different.

This energy is highly intelligent and will give you exactly what is needed, no more or less, during each session.

As your Kundalini energy awakens, you may experience a range of physical and emotional sensations. These sensations are known as kriyas, and they are the bodies way of releasing, stagnant or blocked energy/emotion.

You may experience:

  • Energy sensations such as tingling in your hands and feet.

  • Spontaneous physical movements, like swaying, shaking, contractions, dance-like movements, yoga postures + mudras

  • Full range of emotional releases such as laughing, crying, and screaming.

  • Vocal releases like humming, singing, coughing, or sounds you have never made before

  • Visualizations of color, multi-dimensional travel, connecting with higher frequencies

  • Stillness and deep states of meditation, bliss, oneness, and expanded consciousness.

Everyone's experience is unique and personal.

Each session gracefully builds on the last. Depending on how sensitive you are, it may take several sessions to be able to fully surrender. It is a transmission process, not a self-willed or self-generated process. It's the path of surrender, not the path of will. With continued exposure, the deeper you are able to go.

What Can Happen After:

The Kundalini energy within you, continues to awaken after you leave a session. You may notice positive lifestyle changes, shifts in your perception, and daily habits for the greatest good. Just like all things, results vary from each individual and session. Below are some of the common effects:

  • Stronger intuition & access to inner wisdom.

  • Increased metal clarity, physical energy and vitality

  • Deeper states of calmness and relaxation

  • Decreased levels of stress

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Stronger connection to oneself and the world

  • Improved relationships

  • Enhanced senses and gifts (taste, touch, smell, vision, clairvoyance).

  • Feeling of oneness, love, and gratitude

  • Feelings of presence, happiness and peace.

  • Deeper connection to nature, people and your purpose.

  • Improved mental wellbeing and motivation.

  • Beneficial rewiring of the brain and central nervous system.

  • Shifts in daily lifestyle habits such as: diet, exercise and focus.

  • Potential elimination of addictions and destructive habits.

  • Deeper connection with the natural rhythm of the body.

  • Greater connection to Universal love, Higher Self and Unity.

  • Expansion of consciousness and greater self-realization.


Limited space available! Registration is required to reserve your spot, click here.

1 Event: $88 for two hours — includes a KAP introduction, demo, 60 min KAP transmission and a collective share circle.

A second event will be available at another location, pending the level of interest. (Unfortunately Una Vida was not available.) A discount for registering for both sessions is available on the registration form.

Please refrain from drugs and alcohol, any plant medicines, narcotics and hallucinogens 24 hours before and after the session! 

CONTRAINDICATIONS: KAP is not suitable for those currently experiencing hallucinations or diagnosed with schizophrenia.

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